The PlanetData project aims to establish a sustainable European community of researchers that supports organizations in exposing their data in new and useful ways. PlanetData pushes forward the state-of-the-art in large-scale data management and its application to the creation of useful, open data sets. This is motivated by the increasing reliance of business on large public data; the uptake of open data principles in many vertical sectors; and the need of research communities to make sense out of petabytes of scientific data, to describe and expose this data in ways that encourage and enable collaboration.
Sponsors and Supporters
Diamond Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Big Data Public-Private Forum

Big Data is an emerging field where innovative technology offers alternatives to resolve the inherent problems that appear when working with huge amounts of data, providing new ways to reuse and extract value from information.
Big Data Public Private Forum (BIG) is working towards the definition and implementation of a clear strategy that tackles the necessary efforts in terms of research and innovation, while also it provides a major boost for technology adoption and supporting actions for the successful implementation of the Big Data economy.
Building an industrial community around Big Data in Europe is the priority of this project, together with setting up the necessary collaboration and dissemination infrastructure to link technology suppliers, integrators and leading user organizations.
Forging Online Education through FIRE (FORGE)

The Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) facilities are a world class infrastructure supporting European research into new services and protocols associated with the next generation Internet. Open Educational Resources (OERs) have recently made headlines in the guise of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) which are giving millions of students worldwide access to the highest quality education. The FORGE project will produce OERs supported by a combination of Linked Data technologies and rich multimedia interactive eBooks to turn FIRE into a learning resource. Specifically, in the future FORGE students will be able to setup and run large-scale Internet experiments on the FIRE facilities from within an eBook. Educators and students will be able to find and use course and experimental lab materials through our semantically marked up repository. See more at:

The LinkedUp project is a FP7 Support Action which pushes forward the exploitation and adoption of public, open data available on the Web, in particular by educational organisations and institutions. To address these goals, LinkedUp provides a range of activities to support and promote innovative success stories which exploit large-scale Web data in educational scenarios as part of robust applications and tools. Activities include the organisation of the LinkedUp Challenge and the development of evaluation techniques for comparing and assessing data-driven application and tools. Dataset collection, cataloging and publishing activities have resulted in the LinkedUp Data Catalog, a repository and catalog of well-described and assessed datasets for educational purposes. The LinkedUp Catalog supports participants of the data challenge, as well as interested data consumers and application developers in general. The overall aim is to facilitate the development of innovative applications produced by the LinkedUp community and challenge participants and their deployment in real-world use case scenarios. A collection of suitable use cases have been collected by the LinkedUp consortium and representatives of associated organisations, including representatives from renowned industrial, academic and higher education institutions such as Elsevier, the BBC, or the Commonwealth of Learning.
Gold Sponsors
Annomarket is a new online marketplace for text analytics services, enabling anyone from large organisations to SMEs and individuals to buy and sell high-quality text processing services. The platform is entirely cloud-based and users pay for everything on a cost-effective, pay-as-you-go basis.
AnnoMarket provides a wide and growing selection of text analysis pipelines that you can use via simple REST APIs for either on-line or batch processing of documents.
Come and visit the stand to learn more and pick up a free credit voucher worth up to 10,000 API calls.
LDBC: Linked Data Benchmark Council

Non-relational data management is emerging as a critical need for the new data economy based on large, distributed, heterogeneous, and complexly structured data sets. This new data management paradigm also provides an opportunity for research results to impact young innovative companies working on new RDF and graph data management technologies to start playing a significant role in this new data economy. Standards and benchmarking are two of the most important factors for the development of new information technology, yet there is still no comprehensive suite of benchmarks and benchmarking practices for RDF and graph databases, nor is there an authority for setting benchmark definitions and auditing official results. Without them, the future development and uptake of these technologies is at risk by not providing industry with clear, user-driven targets for performance and functionality. The Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) project is creating the first comprehensive suite of open, fair and vendor-neutral benchmarks for RDF/graph databases together with the LDBC foundation which will define processes for obtaining, auditing and publishing results. The core scientific innovation of LDBC is therefore to define meaningful benchmarks derived from a combination of actual usage scenarios combined with the technical insight of top database systems researchers and architects in the choke points of current technology. LDBC brings together a broad community of researchers and RDF and graph database vendors to establish an independent authority, the LDBC foundation, responsible for specifying benchmarks, benchmarking procedures and verifying/publishing results. The forum created will become a long-surviving, industry supported association similar to the TPC. Vendors and user organisations will participate in order to influence benchmark design and to make use of the obvious marketing opportunities.

As Television and the Web converge – television content is transmitted digitally, possibly over IP, to devices which are equally Web capable, while Web content includes audiovisual streams consumed over connected devices in the same manner as classical television – we note that the actual meaning of ‘television’ changes. On a connected device, (broadcast) television content, other audiovisual content and other Web content may be consumed in parallel or sequence, and the fact that something is ‘television’ or ‘Web’ blurs in the consumers’ awareness. Is YouTube playing on a SmartTV now television? Is a catchup TV stream on the laptop still television?
Linked Television is a vision of future television consumption. Here TV and Web content is seamlessly interlinked, for example while watching the news the viewer is getting background information on the stories at their fingertips; it’s seeing a painting in a TV program and being able to identify the artist and the museum where it hangs. It’s facilitating what the Second Screen generation is already doing, but now bringing this within the same digital ecosystem, so that content owners retain the connection with the viewer and control about the information being linked with their media.

MediaMixer is an EU funded action to support organisations in enhancing their media contents to create greater value and extending reach across customers, consumers and the media value chain. MediaMixer
promotes semantic multimedia fragment technologies which can be used by enterprises to fragment their media assets, annotate those fragments and use these annotations for more flexible media retrieval and re-use in new contexts.
Prelida: Preserving Linked Data

The PRELIDA project targets the particular stakeholders of the Linked Data community, including data providers, service providers, technology providers and end user communities. These stakeholders have not been traditionally targeted by the Digital Preservation community, and are typically not aware of the digital preservation solutions already available. Hence an important task of PRELIDA is to raise awareness of existing preservation solutions and to facilitate their uptake.
At the same time, the Linked Data cloud has specific characteristics in terms of structuring, interlinkage, dynamicity and distribution, that pose new challenges to the preservation community. PRELIDA organises in-depth discussions among the two communities to identify which of these characteristics require novel solutions, and to develop road maps for addressing the new challenges.

VideoLectures.NET is an award-winning free and open access educational video lectures repository. The lectures are given by distinguished scholars and scientists at the most important and prominent events like conferences, summer schools, workshops and science promotional events from many fields of Science. The portal is aimed at promoting science, exchanging ideas and fostering knowledge sharing by providing high quality didactic contents not only to the scientific community but also to the general public. All lectures, accompanying documents, information and links are systematically selected and classified through the editorial process taking into account also users' comments.
Bronze Sponsors
fluid Operations

fluid Operations® (fluidOps) is an innovative software company headquartered in Walldorf, Germany. Its focus lies on the research and development of novel technologies for intelligent cloud and data management in the enterprise. With the Information Workbench®, fluidOps delivers a highly customizable platform for Linked Data and Big Data management and solution development. This includes support for the semantic integration of heterogeneous data sources across the borders of individual domains, collaborative knowledge acquisition and augmentation, semantic search, business intelligence and analytics, as well as data visualization and exploration. fluidOps’ Conference Explorer app won the Linked Data-a-Thon at the ISWC 2011.

iSOCO, Intelligent Software Components S.A. ( is a technology company founded in 1999, becoming the first company in Spain and one of the first in Europe to offer solutions based on Semantic Web technologies. Currently, iSOCO employs around 100 persons in offices in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, and Pamplona. iSOCO has ample experience in international R&D activities, especially in the different EU Frame Programmes, and is successful in transferring research results in the field of Semantic Web technologies to the market. To this purpose iSOCO Lab, the Research branch of the company, was created in 2001 with three main objectives: maintain the technological level of the company, foster innovation to approach the market through new products, and pave the way for the application of new technologies to business.
Best Paper Award Sponsor
Forging Online Education through FIRE (FORGE)

The Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) facilities are a world class infrastructure supporting European research into new services and protocols associated with the next generation Internet. Open Educational Resources (OERs) have recently made headlines in the guise of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) which are giving millions of students worldwide access to the highest quality education. The FORGE project will produce OERs supported by a combination of Linked Data technologies and rich multimedia interactive eBooks to turn FIRE into a learning resource. Specifically, in the future FORGE students will be able to setup and run large-scale Internet experiments on the FIRE facilities from within an eBook. Educators and students will be able to find and use course and experimental lab materials through our semantically marked up repository. See more at:
Yahoo! Labs

Yahoo Labs is pioneering the new sciences underlying the Web. As the center of scientific excellence here at Yahoo, we deliver both fundamental and applied scientific leadership, publish research and create new technologies that power Yahoo’s products. We're responsible for big inventions—and our goals are nothing short of inventing the future of the Internet and creating the next generation of businesses for Yahoo.
Video Recording Sponsors

The goal of the XLike project is to develop technology to monitor and aggregate knowledge that is currently spread across mainstream and social media, and to enable cross-lingual services for publishers, media monitoring and business intelligence.
The aim is to combine scientific insights from several scientific areas to contribute in the area of cross-lingual text understanding. By combining modern computational linguistics, machine learning, text mining and semantic technologies we plan to deal with the following two key open research problems:
- to extract and integrate formal knowledge from multilingual texts with cross-lingual knowledge bases, and
- to adapt linguistic techniques and crowdsourcing to deal with irregularities in informal language used primarily in social media.
The developed technology will be language-agnostic, while within the project we will specifically address English, German, Spanish, Chinese and Hindi as major world languages and Catalan and Slovenian as minority languages.
xLiMe is a research project (EU-FP7) dedicated to fusing the knowledge from different dimensions of media content. It proposes to extract knowledge from different media channels and languages and relate it to cross-lingual, cross-media knowledge bases. By doing this in near real-time we will provide a continuously updated and comprehensive view on knowledge diffusion across media, e.g., from European communities like Catalonia to worldwide content in English. By combining speech recognition, natural language processing, machine learning and semantic technologies we will advance key open research problems, by: 1. extracting machine-readable knowledge (entities, sentiment, events and opinions) from multilingual, multimedia and social media content and integrate it with cross-lingual, cross-media knowledge bases, 2. searching this knowledge with structured and unstructured queries in near real-time, 3. monitoring its provenance, consumption and diffusion and 4. analysing the interdependency between media exposure and behavioural patterns.
Best Demo Award
Forging Online Education through FIRE (FORGE)

The Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) facilities are a world class infrastructure supporting European research into new services and protocols associated with the next generation Internet. Open Educational Resources (OERs) have recently made headlines in the guise of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) which are giving millions of students worldwide access to the highest quality education. The FORGE project will produce OERs supported by a combination of Linked Data technologies and rich multimedia interactive eBooks to turn FIRE into a learning resource. Specifically, in the future FORGE students will be able to setup and run large-scale Internet experiments on the FIRE facilities from within an eBook. Educators and students will be able to find and use course and experimental lab materials through our semantically marked up repository. See more at:
Student Grant
Forging Online Education through FIRE (FORGE)

The Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) facilities are a world class infrastructure supporting European research into new services and protocols associated with the next generation Internet. Open Educational Resources (OERs) have recently made headlines in the guise of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) which are giving millions of students worldwide access to the highest quality education. The FORGE project will produce OERs supported by a combination of Linked Data technologies and rich multimedia interactive eBooks to turn FIRE into a learning resource. Specifically, in the future FORGE students will be able to setup and run large-scale Internet experiments on the FIRE facilities from within an eBook. Educators and students will be able to find and use course and experimental lab materials through our semantically marked up repository. See more at:
Other sponsors

The K-Drive project is a European Commission 7th Framework Programme project for Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways. The objective of this project is the identification of novel knowledge driven techniques to facilitate experts to identify key dimensions within semantic data and to recommend users with related queries, with an emphasis on the development of innovative techniques for efficient and scalable query generation and query answering.
In particular K-Drive focuses on (1) the development of efficient and scalable query generation techniques with potential for dealing with streaming data and knowledge and (2) the investigation of methods and techniques for goal-driven data selection and reuse for exploiting both public data and private data. K-Drive project will also study the future perspective of using novel data analysis techniques as diagnostic and guidance tools for both domain experts and end users.