Accepted Papers
Research Track
- Optimising Linked Data Queries Using Runtime Statistics in the Presence of Co-reference.
- Facilitating Human Intervention in Coreference Resolution with Comparative Entity Summaries.
- Linked USDL: a Vocabulary for Web-scale Service Trading.
- Generating Synthetic RDF Data with Connected Blank Nodes for Benchmarking.
- A Knowledge Based Approach for Tackling Mislabeled Multi-class Big Social Data.
- Scaling Parallel Rule-based Reasoning.
- Detecting Incorrect Numerical Data in DBpedia.
- Perplexity of Index Models over Evolving Linked Data.
- HiBISCuS: Hypergraph-Based Source Selection for SPARQL Endpoint Federation.
- Pay-as-you-go Approximate Join Top-k Processing for the Web of Data.
- Object Property Matching utilizing the Overlap between Imported Ontologies.
- Survey on Common Strategies of Vocabulary Reuse in Linked Open Data Modeling.
- Plan-Based Semantic Enrichment of Event Streams.
- Providing Alternative Declarative Descriptions for Entity Sets using Parallel Concept Lattices.
- WaterFowl: a Compact, Self-indexed and Inference-enabled RDF Store.
- A Framework for Iterative Signing of Graph Data on the Web.
- Error-Tolerant RDF Subgraph Matching for Adaptive Presentation of Linked Data on Mobile.
- Unsupervised Link Discovery Through Knowledge Base Repair.
- A Scalable Approach for Efficiently Generating Structured Dataset Topic Profiles.
- Identifying change patterns of concept attributes in ontology evolution.
- SentiCircles for Contextual and Conceptual Semantic Sentiment analysis of Twitter.
- Trusty URIs: Verifiable, Immutable, and Permanent Digital Artifacts for Linked Data.
- Leveraging Distributed Human Computation and Consensus Partition for Entity Coreference.
- The CLOCK Data-Aware Eviction Approach: Towards Processing Linked Data Streams with Limited Resources.
- The usability of Description Logics: Understanding the cognitive difficulties presented by Description Logics.
- Dedalo: looking for Clusters Explanations in a Labyrinth of Linked Data.
- Distributed Keyword Search over RDF via MapReduce.
- A Probabilistic Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources.
- Generating and Summarizing Explanations for Linked Data.
- Using Semantic and Domain-based Information in CLIR Systems.
- RDSZ: An approach for lossless RDF stream compression.
- Towards Competency Question-driven Ontology Authoring.
- Ontology-Based Data Access Using Rewriting, OWL 2 RL Systems and Repairing.
- Identifying diachronic topic-based research communities by clustering shared research trajectories.
- These are your rights: A Natural Language Processing Approach to Automated RDF Licenses Generation.
- Evaluating citation functions in CiTO: cognitive issues.
- SPARQL Query Verbalization for Explaining Semantic Search Engine Queries.
- NLP data cleansing based on Linguistic Ontology constraints.
- Hybrid Acquisition of Temporal Scopes for RDF Data.
- NL-Graphs: A Hybrid Approach toward Interactively Querying Semantic Data.
- User Interests Identification on Twitter Using a Hierarchical Knowledge Base.
In-Use Track
- Accepting the XBRL Challenge with Linked Data for Financial Data Integration.
- Predicting Severity of Road Traffic Congestion using Semantic Web Technologies.
- conTEXT -- Lightweight Text Analytics using Linked Data.
- PCS2OWL: A Generic Approach for Deriving Web Ontologies from Product Classification Systems.
- Seeding Structured Data by Default via Open Source Library Systems.
- How to Best Find a Partner? An Evaluation of Editing Approaches to Construct R2RML Mappings.
- Towards Portable Shopping Histories: Using GoodRelations to Expose Ownership Information to E-Commerce Sites.
- "Semantics Inside!'' But let's not tell the Data Miners: Intelligent Support for Data Mining.
- Matware: Constructing and Exploiting Domain Specific Warehouses by Aggregating Semantic Data.
- Identifying diachronic topic-based research communities by clustering shared research trajectories.