Tuesday, May 27th, 2014 | |||||
From | To | Session 1 | Session2 | SeSSION 3 | |
09:00 | 09:30 |
Opening Ceremony |
09:30 | 10:30 |
Steffen Staab "Programming the Semantic Web" Session Chair: Fabien Gandon |
10:30 | 11:00 | Coffee break | |||
11:00 |
12:40 |
Mobile, Sensor and Semantic StreamsSession Chair: Oscar Corcho
1. The CLOCK Data-Aware Eviction Approach: Towards Processing Linked Data Streams with Limited Resources
2. Plan-Based Semantic Enrichment of Event Streams
3. Error-Tolerant RDF Subgraph Matching for Adaptive Presentation of Linked Data on Mobile
4. RDSZ: An approach for lossless RDF stream compression |
In-Use and Industrial ISession Chair: Mathieu d'Aquin
1. Accepting the XBRL Challenge with Linked Data for Financial Data Integration
2. Predicting Severity of Road Traffic Congestion using Semantic Web Technologies
3. conTEXT -- Lightweight Text Analytics using Linked Data
4. PCS2OWL: A Generic Approach for Deriving Web Ontologies from Product Classification Systems |
12:40 | 14:00 | Lunch break | |||
14:00 | 14:50 |
Linked Open Data ISession Chair: Freddy Lecue
1. Trusty URIs: Verifiable, Immutable, and Permanent Digital Artifacts for Linked Data
2. Leveraging Distributed Human Computation and Consensus Partition for Entity Coreference |
Social Web and Web ScienceSession Chair: Harald Sack
1. SentiCircles for Contextual and Conceptual Semantic Sentiment analysis of Twitter
2. User Interests Identification on Twitter Using a Hierarchical Knowledge Base |
14:50 | 15:15 |
Services, Processes and Cloud ComputingSession Chair: Freddy Lecue
1. Linked USDL: a Vocabulary for Web-scale Service Trading |
3. Identifying diachronic topic-based research communities by clustering shared research trajectoriesFrancesco Osborne | Giuseppe Scavo | Enrico Motta |
15:15 | 15:45 | Coffee break | |||
15:45 | 17:00 |
Data Management ISession Chair: Maria-Esther Vidal
1. Pay-as-you-go Approximate Join Top-k Processing for the Web of Data
2. A Framework for Iterative Signing of Graph Data on the Web |
Natural Language ProcessingSession Chair: Harith Alani
1. NLP data cleansing based on Linguistic Ontology constraints
2. Using Semantic and Domain-based Information in CLIR Systems |
16:35 | 17:00 |
3. Perplexity of Index Models over Evolving Linked Data Thomas Gottron | Christian Gottron |
Semantic Web Policies, Rights and GovernanceSession Chair: Pompeu Casanovas 1. These are your rights: A Natural Language Processing Approach to Automated RDF Licenses GenerationElena Cabrio | Alessio Palmero Aprosio | Serena Villatao
17:00 | 18:30 |
EU Project Networking SessionSession Chair: Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Sergio Consoli, Alessio Iabichella |
Semantic Web Evaluation ChallengesSession Chair: Milan Stankovic
1. Semantic Publishing Challenge: presentation of tasks 2. Linked Open Dataenabled Recommender Systems Challenge: presentation of tasks Ivan Cantador | Tommaso Di Noia |
AI Mashup ChallengeSession Chair: Ioannis Papdakis
1. An Approach for Incremental Entity Resolution at the Example of Social Media Data
2. Open Linked Widgets Mashup Platform
3. SEMashup - Making Use of Linked Data for Generating Enhanced Snippets
4. Augmented Participation to Live Events through Social Network Content Enrichment
5. conTEXT - A Mashup platform for Lightweight Text Analytics |
17:00 | 17:30 |
17:30 | 18:00 |
18:00 | 18:30 |
3. Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis Challenge: presentation of tasks Erik Cambria | Diego Reforgiato |
Linkedup challengeSession Chair: Stefan Dietze LinkedUp Challenge Introduction. Minute Madness presentation by Linked Up competing participants |
19:00 | 21:30 |
EU Project postersSemantic Web Evaluation Challenges, AI Mashup Challenge, LinkedUp Challenge |
Wednesday, May 28th, 2014 | |||||
From | To | SESSION 1 | SESSION 2 | SESSION 3 | |
09:15 | 09:30 |
Announcements |
09:30 | 10:30 |
Luciano Floridi "Coordination, Semantics, and Autonomy" Session Chair: Valentina Presutti |
10:30 | 11:00 | Coffee break | |||
11:00 | 12:40 |
ReasoningSession Chair: Sebastian Rudolph
1. Scaling Parallel Rule-based Reasoning
2. A Probabilistic Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources
3. WaterFowl: a Compact, Self-indexed and Inference-enabled RDF Store Giorgos Stoilos.
Machine LearningSession Chair: Volker Tresp
1. Dedalo: looking for Clusters Explanations in a Labyrinth of Linked Data
2. A Knowledge Based Approach for Tackling Mislabeled Multi-class Big Social Data
3. Providing Alternative Declarative Descriptions for Entity Sets using Parallel Concept Lattices
4. Unsupervised Link Discovery Through Knowledge Base Repair |
12:40 | 14:00 | Lunch break | |||
14:00 | 15:30 |
Linked Open Data IISession Chair: Vojtech Svatek
1. SPARQL Query Verbalization for Explaining Semantic Search Engine Queries
2. Optimising Linked Data Queries Using Runtime Statistics in the Presence of Co-reference
3. Survey on Common Strategies of Vocabulary Reuse in Linked Open Data Modeling |
Cognition and Semantic WebSession Chair: Aldo Gangemi
1. The usability of Description Logics: Understanding the cognitive difficulties presented by Description Logics
2. NL-Graphs: A Hybrid Approach toward Interactively Querying Semantic Data
3. Evaluating citation functions in CiTO: cognitive issues |
15:30 | 15:50 | Coffee break | |||
15:50 | 17:00 |
Data Management IISession Chair: Jacco van Ossenbruggen
1. HiBISCuS: Hypergraph-Based Source Selection for SPARQL Endpoint Federation
2. Generating Synthetic RDF Data with Connected Blank Nodes for Benchmarking
3. Distributed Keyword Search over RDF via MapReduce |
In-Use & Industrial IISession Chair: Evelyne Viegas
1. Seeding Structured Data by Default via Open Source Library Systems
2. How to Best Find a Partner? An Evaluation of Editing Approaches to Construct R2RML Mapping
3. Towards Portable Shopping Histories: Using GoodRelations to Expose Ownership Information to ECommerce Sites |
17:00 | 18:30 |
Panel: "Data protection and security on the Web"Session Chair: Valentina Presutti Panelists: Harith Alani, Pompeu Casanova, Luciano Floridi,Fabien Gandon, Aldo Gangemi, Steffen Staab, Maria Esther Vidal |
20:00 | open-end |
Conference Gala Dinner |
Thursday, May 29TH, 2014 | |||||
From | To | SESSION 1 | SESSION 2 | SESSION 3 | |
09:00 | 11:00 |
Posters and Demos |
11:00 | 11:30 | Coffee break | |||
11:30 | 12:30 |
Volker Tresp "Machine Learning with Knowledge Graphs" Session Chair: Claudia d'Amato |
12:30 | 14:00 | Lunch break | |||
14:00 | 15:15 |
Linked Data IIISession Chair: Abraham Bernstein
1. Generating and Summarizing Explanations for Linked Data
2. Hybrid Acquisition of Temporal Scopes for RDF Data
3. Detecting Incorrect Numerical Data in DBpedia
Vocabularies, Schemas, OntologiesSession Chair: Martin Hepp
1. Object Property Matching utilizing the Overlap between Imported Ontologies
2. Towards Competency Question-driven Ontology Authoring
3. Identifying change patterns of concept attributes in ontology evolution
Best Workshop papersSession Chair: Harald Sack |
15:15 | 15:45 | Coffee Break | |||
15:45 | 16:35 |
Linked Open Data IVSession Chair: Elena Simperl
1. A Scalable Approach for Efficiently Generating Structured Dataset Topic Profiles
2. Facilitating Human Intervention in Coreference Resolution with Comparative Entity Summaries |
In-Use & Industrial IIISession Chair: Evelyne Viegas
"Semantics Inside!'' But let's not tell the Data Miners: Intelligent Support for Data Mining
Matware: Constructing and Exploiting Domain Specific Warehouses by Aggregating Semantic |
Wrap-up session (Workshops, Tutorials, PhD Symposium)
Workshops and Tutorials Wrap-up
PhD Symposium Summary |
16:35 | Closing and Award Ceremony | ||||